SecureBug CTF Reverse Writeups

- 8 mins


We were provided by an android apk file named RevMeBro.apk that has a simple flag checking algorithm so i fed it into jadx-jd to know about the algorithm

Below attached image is the main entry function


And we can see that the input is is moved to doer and then compared with the string [IITO{LHZPb_EUNRTIHfXE_IVNe0:}


Let’s Build the algo in python3

import random
a = "inputflag"
k = []
for i in range(5):
for i in range(len(a)):
	a[i] = chr(k[j%6]+ord(a[i]))
		a[i] = chr(ord(a[i])^2)

The flag initials are SBCTF and the comparing flag given is 1st 5 chars are [IITO

Let’s build the random array from it

a = list("SBCTF{")
b = list("[IITO{")
k =[]
for i in range(6):
		b[i] = chr(ord(b[i])^2)

This would give you out

randomarray = [6, 7, 8, 0, ,0]

Now Let’s again reverse the whole flag

randomarray = [6, 7, 8, 0, 7,0]
a = list("[IITO{LHZPb_EUNRTIHfXE_IVNe0:}")
inputflag = []
for i in range(len(a)):
		a[i] = chr(ord(a[i]) ^2)

It will output the flag SBCTF{HAPPY_ANDROID_REVING_01}


In this challenge we are being provided with a ELF file name Safe.Run the ELF is a shared object first i thought to try angr but then as it’s not an executable it wasn’t running so i would now it’s time for static reversing :)

Safe.Run: ELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/, BuildID[sha1]=1fe7719fa966629756b4d92775e03f124a446fca, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, not stripped

As we can see it’s not stripped and dynamically linked so a task is reduced Let’s grep for GCC

GCC: (Ubuntu 9.3.0-17ubuntu1~20.04) 9.3.0

and a basic look from strings show

  Wrong combination
 Enter your Name
 Enter combination

And when you run it normally it asks a Name and a Combination which is a kinda serial number

Let’s feed it in IDA


As you can see the image this is my usual IDA setup while reversing with Sync On between disassembly and PSEUDOCODE

PS: :P ignore the naming i usually rename in CTFs like this only for fun

Okay now let’s get back to work


As you can see the combination feed comments at addr 0x5555555554DE and at addr 0x5555555554bc Name variable is saved from the address [rbp-0x420h] and Combination Variable is saved at [rbp-0x220h]

Remember this i will tell you why

Ok now take a look at the pseudocode


You can findout some basic things from the pseudoCode that:

Through some of these let’s say we put the name as BatmanSafe and Combination Code as sbabcdefghijklmnoprs and run the program in gdb put a break point at 0x000055555555556C

at the breakpoint run some commands x/b $rbp-0x21b it will output 0x64 hexcode for ‘d’ that is 6th char in our Combination Code and the variable it’s assigned is v36

so 6th character is assigned v36 that means it’s an array; let’s go no on behalf of this you can check some other variables also if you are beginner to confirm and go through gdb just put a breakpoint on every mov that puts [rbp-0x2{}{}] into rax and check that value if it satisfies

While going through pseudoCode you will the last variable in comparison is v53 so lets change the the Ivar type of Combiflame from char Combiflame[2] to char Combiflame[25] for 25 characters

After changing the Ivar type your psuedoCode will look something like this


Now at this point :P I just mannually wrote down the combination Code


That gave me the flag SBCTF{The_BUttoN}


We are given an 32bit exe file, ok as being in Malware Analysis i just fired up DIE(Detect It Easy) to take a look at the sample

Some Points to note:

Microsoft Visual C++(-)[-]
Microsoft Linker(14.28**)[Console32,console]

Looking for strings something interesting:


They drew whole Superman as an ascii nice

Ok let’s fireup the VM (Windows 7 x64bit Disabled ASLR and DEP)


Now let’s fireup ida to take a look


This is how my IDA Looks normally when i am reversing :)

Turn on Demangled Names from Options and Line Prefixes(Graph) from Options->General

Again to note down some points from the pseudoCode as i tried to clean it as possible

Let’s go through its algo

  1. Takes flag as input
  2. Checks if flag length is 10
  3. Characters of flag should be only integers
  4. Put some stored data into a array through memcpy
  5. XORs the stored array with the input
  6. Compares the xored array with the stored checking ifs.


Initially I wasn’t able to properly clean the psuedoCode that’s when i took up to x64 debugger to look for the xoring disassembly

And as i told you that i have disabled ASLR so it simply just put the breakpoint by looking at ida at the same addr.

Let’s break at the XORing point.


I feed the system code 1234567890.

Let’s break down the mechanism again:

  1. At 0x004014D1 mov al,byte ptr ss:[ebp+edx-1C] 1 is being fed into al
  2. At 0x004014D5 not al not of 1 is done that is 0xCE
  3. At 0x004014D7 xor byte ptr ds:[ecx+edi],al NOT of 1 is being xored with 1st character of stored array that is 0xbf


  1. The counter is increased and again same process is repeated till 18th length

Let’s make the python script to reverse this

storedArray = [0xBF,0xFC,0xB5,0x83,0x81,0xBD,0xFD,0xBF,0xBD,0xFD,0xBF,0x9E,0xFA,0xA6,0x9A,0xBD,0xFD,0xBF]
xoredString = "q0yKFp3rr2qR6n]p3r"
k = []
for i in range(18):

This would give us the code 1337821200

Putting it in the gives us the flag SBCTF{major_exe}

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